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IAD 2022: Pottery, Fur Trade, Archaeology Careers, + Becca Simon

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

Spotlight on IAD Exhibits:

Hands on Pottery

with Sarah Rothwell

For the past several years, Sarah has enjoyed introducing IAD Expo visitors to pottery making. She is a graduate of University College London and U of Wyoming, with over 30 years of experience in archaeology and Cultural Resource Management, most recently with the Colorado Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation at History Colorado. She is the author of the Plains Woodland article in the Colorado Encyclopedia.

Come visit Sarah at the Expo and have a go at making pots the way they were made hundreds of years ago

The Fur Trade

with Julie Haverluk

A 1st time exhibitor, Julie Haverluk is a historian and teacher from Colorado Springs. And yes, she is related to our amazing poster artist.

Did you know that the Colorado Fur Trade was a major driver for European contact with indigenous people in Colorado? Julie is coordinating with Jim Remley’s Roxborough State Park foraging table. Come learn about furs and the fur trade in Colorado’s early history.

And a bonus 3rd exhibitor profile this week ...

Academic Paths for Archaeology and Anthropology

with Rachel Egan

Dr. Rachel Egan is a 2nd year exhibitor and active committee member. Author of “Extending the Notion of Night: Volcanic Eruptions in Ancient Mesoamerica”, Rachel’s research areas of interest range from South to North America and include topics like disasters, heritage, and food. Currently, Rachel works for CPW, recently conducting work at Fishers Peak State Park. Who else do you know would have an online Food and Archaeology page?

Rachel also serves as an affiliate Faculty member at Front Range Community College, teaching archaeology and anthropology. She has pulled together information about many local college and university archaeology / anthropology programs in one place. Come take a look at the educational opportunities available.

Spotlight on Lecturer (& Exhibitor): Rebecca (Becca) Simon

A self-acclaimed history nerd, Becca grew up in Washington, DC, wanting to move to Colorado after visiting relatives in Colorado Springs. She got her BA from Penn State and MA from CSU. While in graduate school she was a teaching assistant and worked in the Historical Archaeology Lab. As a student, Becca developed a fourth-grade history curriculum for Ouray students using archaeological data from the area. After graduate school she worked Crow Canyon where she ended up connecting again with some of those students.

Landing in History Colorado’s Office of Archaeology and History Preservation as the Assistant State Archaeologist, Becca guides and supports archaeologists and paleontologists through state compliance requirements for work on state lands. She also gets to continue with her passion for education, as the state coordinator for PAAC, and other outreach programs. You may have seen her demonstrating Project Archaeology at past IAD Expos.

Becca will be giving a lecture titled, Archaeology for a Changing Colorado, that will cover the benefits of archaeology even for those who might have considered it just an impediment to progress.

Learn about how to measure success, sustainability, and usability as archaeology facilitates community goals. Sign up here to reserve your seat. And meet Becca up close at the History Colorado table at the Expo.

Spotlight on Site: Roxborough State Park

You are probably familiar with the amazing scenery at Roxborough State Park. It’s a national natural landmark, but did you know it is also a national archaeological district? The park has dozens of cultural sites as well as, a Hart award for the 1998 Persse Place restoration, and a 2016 State Archaeologist Award for fostering public appreciation of our Archaeological heritage. Check the Rambles newsletter for year-round history and archaeology hikes.

Volunteer Marybeth White is coordinating the tours and activities at Roxborough State Park on the October 15 International Archaeology Day. Sign up here if you are interested in an archaeology walk-and-talk or a Rox Ride tour. No registration is required for the other activities: the “Walk Through Time” poster show among the red-rocks; a display of some of the park’s artifacts on the patio; an archaeology-themed Leave No Trace table, and more. Come on out for a walk in the Rox!

Behind the Scenes

Roxborough Intermediate School has been hosting the IAD Expo since 2016. This is an amazing school (“1 school, 2 buildings”) with an awesome staff. It takes a village to raise a child, and the entire Village of Roxborough is engaged in the education of our future leaders.

The Expo is located on the campus of the very modern 4th-6th grade building, set against the dramatic backdrop of the Dakota hogbacks. Mr. Milo, the building engineer, is the genius behind the smooth operation of the outdoor Expo and indoor lectures. Meghan Ofer, the principal, juggles all the schedules and details. We can’t do it without them.

The Expo is free and open to the public. Click the image below for more information:


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